Tuesday, December 24, 2019

My Day - Personal Narrative Essay - 1134 Words

My Day - Personal Narrative Its 06:45 and my mobile phone alarm makes the worst noise that you could ever imagine. Using it as an alarm clock is the only thing that it is useful for, the rest of the time it takes all my money off me. All phones do it, and guess who gets in trouble for the bill. Anyway, after I finally find the button to shut the dam thing up, I usually moan till 07:00, about how it is too early, and that I should not still have to be going to school. Im getting bored of wearing the same uniform, and listening to the same squabbles going on from the day before. At 07:00, I stumble across the landing, walking passed my mums and dads bedroom, hearing the loud snoring coming†¦show more content†¦So I suppose I shouldnt be complaining about having to eat toast every morning! 07:45, and the sister and father are already fighting for the bathroom. In about 30 seconds from now there should be a mixture of male menopause and teenage hormones throughout the house. My sister is 17 named Stephanie, after Stephen- thats my dads name. My sister is one of those older teenagers who have none of her priorities in order. She can be clever, but she gets easily distracted. Ill say no more about that. My sister and I get on very well. We talk to each other about stuff, and value each others opinion on clothes. My dad is into science, well, he likes Science fiction movies, but I suppose its the same thing. He likes to think of himself as a wise philosopher, but hes really a big kid and likes watching the Simpsons on TV. My dad and I get on great. We have the same interests, and work good together as a team. 08:00. Im packing my bag, and rushing about trying to find the books I need for that day. I should really pack my bag the night before, but Im always so tired that there doesnt seem to be enough time. The amount of homework that keeps me up some nights is extremely exhausting. 08:15. The battle between my father and sister is over. If my dad is working, (which he usually is most mornings), then he will give my sister and I a lift to school, but we always endShow MoreRelatedPersonal Narrative : My Independence Day1134 Words   |  5 Pagessituations because on July 4th, 2013, I found out my Dad would soon pass away. Still to this day independence day is my least favorite day of the year, and July my least favorite month. I realized different ways that loss affected people; some experience it as soon as it happens, others can get stuck in a state of shock. My father dying has provoked me to think about why we do things and the ways people grieve. I woke up in the guest bedroom of my grandparents’ house in Prague, Oklahoma. I hadRead MorePersonal Narrative : My School Day1594 Words   |  7 Pagesfront of my shuttered bedroom mirror, as the blood slowly trickles its way down my fingers and onto my freshly cleaned, white carpet. 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This is 2011 in September and I was ready for my first day of second grade. I walked out of my room, seeing my entire family arisen from their peac eful slumber. I sat down at the table, pouring in a bowl of Kix and scarfing them down like I haven’t eaten in days. OnceRead MorePersonal Narrative : My First Day At School732 Words   |  3 Pages â€Å"Come on Jason, get in the car!† Mom yelled. I raced upstairs to get my backpack and darted out the door. Being late on my first day at a new school was not something I wanted to happen. Mom started driving right as I closed the door because she didn’t want me to be late either. As we approached Fairfield Jr. High School I got the butterflies in my stomach from seeing all these new faces. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Bite Me A Love Story Chapter 17 Free Essays

17. Wide Awake in Sucker-Free Okata scraped the last few drops of blood from the container into the burned-up white girl’s mouth. He’d managed to save two of the eight quart containers, but it wasn’t going to be enough, he could tell, and after the fight at the butcher shop and his escape, he knew he wasn’t strong enough to give her any more of his own blood. We will write a custom essay sample on Bite Me: A Love Story Chapter 17 or any similar topic only for you Order Now She’d need more, and he was going to have to start thinking of her as something besides the â€Å"burned-up white girl.† She was starting to resemble a real person now, more than a person-shaped cinder. A very old, very scary dead person, to be sure, but a person nonetheless. Her red hair nearly covered the pillow now, and she’d moved, if only a little, closing her mouth after the last drops of blood went in. No ash had flaked away with the movement. Okata was glad. Her exposed fangs made him a little uneasy, but now she had lips, sort of. He picked up his sketch pad from the floor, moved to the end of the futon to get a different angle, and began drawing her, as he’d been doing every hour or so since he’d returned from the butcher. He was still covered with the blood that had splashed on him during the fight, but it had long since dried and except for washing his hands so he could work, he’d forgotten it. He finished the sketch, then moved to his workbench, where he transferred a refined version of the drawing to a piece of rice paper so thin it was nearly transparent. He would replicate this drawing four more times, then each would be glued to a woodblock and carved away to make the plate for a different line or color. He looked over his shoulder at her, and felt a tremor of shame. Yes, she looked like a person now, an old, desiccated grandmother, but he shouldn’t leave her like that. He took a bowl from the shelf above his little kitchen sink, filled it with warm water, and then knelt by the side of the futon and gently sponged the last patina of ash from her body, revealing the blue-white skin underneath. The skin was smooth, like polished rice paper, but pores and hair follicles were forming as he wiped the ash away. â€Å"Sorry,† he said in English. Then in Japanese he said, â€Å"I have not been mindful, my burned-up gaijin girl. I will do better.† He went to the cabinet under his workbench and removed a cedar box that looked like it might have been fashioned to hold a set of silverware. He opened the lid and removed the square of white silk, then stood and let the garment fall open to its full length. Yuriko’s wedding kimono. It smelled of cedar, and perhaps of a bit of incense, but mercifully, it didn’t smell of her. He laid the kimono out next to the burned-up girl, and ever so slowly, he moved it under her, gently worked her skeletal arms into the sleeves, then closed the robe and tied it loosely with the white obi. He arranged her arms at her sides so they looked comfortable, then picked up a small flake of dried blood that had fallen from his face onto her breast. She looked better now. Still wraithlike and monstrous, but better. â€Å"There you go. Yuriko would be pleased that her kimono helped cover one who had nothing.† He returned to his workbench and began the drawing for the block that would carry the yellow ink for the futon, when he heard movement behind him and wheeled around. â€Å"Well, don’t you look yummy,† Jody said. TOMMY Tommy spent the early evening in the library, reading The Economist and Scientific American. He felt as if all the words were bringing him back from the animal realm to being a human being, and there were plenty of words in those magazines. He wanted his full powers of speech and human thought before he confronted Jody. He also hoped that his memory of what had happened would come back with his words, but that didn’t seem to be working. He remembered a red blur of hunger in his head, being thrown through a window and landing on the street, but between that and the time when his words returned in the basement, with the Emperor, he could remember very little. It was as if those experiences-hunting, finding shelter of darkness, snaking his way through the City in a cloud of predators gone to mist-were filed in a part of his mind that locked as soon as the ability to put words to senses returned. He suspected that he may have helped Chet kill people, but if that was the case, why had he saved the Emperor? Fortunately, he hadn’t lost the ability to turn to mist, which was how he’d obtained the outfit he was wearing now. The whole ensemble-khaki slacks, blue Oxford-cloth shirt, leather jacket, and leather boating moccasins-had been on display in a window at a men’s store on Union Square, suspended by monofilament fishing line into the shape of a casual cotton ghost that was haunting other, equally stylish but substanceless marionettes around some deck chairs and artificial sand. Just after the dinner hour, when the store was at its busiest, Tommy streamed in under the door, into the outfit and became solid. With a quick crouch, he snapped all the monofilament line and walked out of the store fully dressed, bits of fishing line curling in his wake. It would, he thought, have been the smoothest, most audaciously cool thing he had ever done, if it hadn’t been for the straight pins that had fastened the shirt to the slacks. But after a minor fit on the sidewalk a s he yanked the pins out of his back, hips, and abdomen, while rhythmically chanting, â€Å"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch,† he returned to the calm and casual cotton-clad vampire aspect he’d been going for. He waited until he was at the library, in the stacks, before he pulled the piece of cardboard out of his collar and yanked off various tags and threads. Fortunately, there had been no anti-theft tags on the display outfit. Now he was ready, or as ready as he was going to get. He had to go to Jody now, hold her, tell her he loved her, kiss her, shag her until all the furniture was broken and the neighbors complained (undead predator or not, he was still nineteen and horny), then figure out what they were going to do about their future. As he walked back through the Tenderloin, dressed in his â€Å"please rob me† white boy outfit, a jittery crackhead in a hoody that had once been green, but now was so dirty it was shiny, tried to rob him with a screwdriver. â€Å"Give me your money, bitch.† â€Å"That’s a screwdriver,† Tommy said. â€Å"Yeah. Give me your money or I’ll stab you with it.† Tommy could hear the tweaker’s heart fluttering, smell the acrid stench of rotting teeth, body odor, and urine on him, and could see an unhealthy, dark gray aura around him. His predator mind flashed the word â€Å"prey.† Tommy shrugged. â€Å"I’m wearing a leather jacket. You’ll never get a screwdriver through it.† â€Å"You don’t know that. I’ll get a running start. Give me your money.† â€Å"I don’t have any money. You’re sick. You should go to the hospital.† â€Å"That’s it, bitch!† The crackhead thrust the screwdriver at Tommy’s stomach. Tommy stepped aside. The tweaker’s movements seemed almost comically slow. As the screwdriver went by, Tommy decided it might be best if he took it, and he snatched it away. The robber lost his balance and tumbled forward into the street and lay there. With the flick of his wrist, Tommy threw the screwdriver onto the roof of a four-story building across the street. Two guys who had been standing in an alley a few feet away, thinking about taking the robbery over from the crackhead, or at least robbing him if he was successful, decided they would rather go see what was happening on the next block. Tommy was a half a block away when he heard the uneven, limping footsteps of the crackhead coming up behind him. He turned and the crackhead stopped. â€Å"Give me your money,† said the tweaker. â€Å"Stop robbing me,† said Tommy. â€Å"You don’t have a weapon and I don’t have any money. It’s totally not working for you.† â€Å"Okay, give me a dollar,† said the crackhead. â€Å"Still don’t have any money,† Tommy said, turning his pants pockets inside out. A note from inspector 18 fluttered to the sidewalk. He heard movement above-claws on stone-and cringed. â€Å"Uh-oh.† â€Å"Fifty cents,† said the crackhead. He put his hand in the pouch pocket of his hoody and pointed his finger like it was a gun. â€Å"I’ll shoot.† â€Å"You have got to be the worst armed robber ever.† The crackhead paused for a second and pulled his gun-posed hand out of his pocket. â€Å"I have my G.E.D.† Tommy shook his head. He thought he’d left the cats behind, but the felines either still had some connection to him, or there were so many of them now that there was nowhere in the City you could go where they wouldn’t be hunting. He didn’t relish trying to explain the whole phenomenon to Jody. â€Å"What’s your name?† he said to the crackhead. â€Å"I’m not telling you. You could turn me in.† â€Å"Okay,† Tommy said. â€Å"I’ll call you Bob. Bob, have you ever seen a cat do that?† Tommy pointed up. The crackhead looked up the side of the building to see a dozen cats coming down the bricks, face-down, toward him. â€Å"No. Okay, I’m not robbing you anymore,† said the tweaker, his attention taken by the clutter of vampire cats descending on him. â€Å"Have a nice evening.† â€Å"Sorry,† said Tommy, meaning it. He turned and jogged up the street to put some distance between himself and the screaming, which only lasted a few seconds. He looked back to see the crackhead gone. Well, not really gone, but reduced to a pile of gray powder amidst his empty clothing. â€Å"It’s how he would have wanted to go,† Tommy said to himself. He would have thought the cats would go for the two in the alley, but now they were taking the people right out on the open street. He was going to have to get Jody and talk her into leaving the City, like they should have in the first place. He jogged the twelve blocks to the loft, careful not to run so fast that he might be noticed. He tried to look like a guy who was just late getting home to his girlfriend, which, in a way, he was. He waited outside the door for a moment before pushing the buzzer. What was he going to say? What if she didn’t want to see him? He didn’t have any experience to draw on. She’d been the first girl he’d had sex with while sober. She was the first girl he’d ever lived with. She was the first to take a shower with him, to drink his blood, to turn him into a vampire, and to throw him broken and naked through a second-story window. She was his first love, really. What if she sent him away? He listened, looked at the plywood still over the windows, sniffed the air. He could hear people inside, at least two, but they weren’t talking. There were machines running, lights buzzing, the smell of blood and rat whiz wafting under the door. It really would have felt better if there were romance in the air, but, well, okay. He ran his fingers through his hair, snatched away the last strands of fishing line trailing from his clothes like errant crystal pubes, and pushed the button. FOO Foo had just placed the vials of Abby’s blood in the centrifuge when the buzzer on the intercom went off. He flipped the switch, then looked over at Abby, lying on the bed. She looked so peaceful, undead and drugged and not talking. Almost happy, despite having a tail. But the police wouldn’t understand. He ran into the living room and shook Jared out of the game-induced trance he had entered on his game console. Foo could hear the death-metal sound track coming from Jared’s headphones, tinny screeching and tiny chainsaw rhythms, like angry chipmunks humping a kazoo inside a sealed mayonnaise jar. â€Å"Whaaa?† said Jared, yanking out his earbuds. â€Å"Someone’s at the door,† whispered Foo. â€Å"Hide Abby.† â€Å"Hide her? Where? The closet is full of medical crap.† â€Å"Between the mattress and the box springs. She’s skinny. You can mash her in there.† â€Å"How will she breathe?† â€Å"She doesn’t need to breathe.† â€Å"Sweet.† Jared went for the bedroom, Foo for the intercom. â€Å"Who is it?† he said, keying the button. He really should have installed a camera. They were easy to wire and he got a discount at Stereo World. Stupid. â€Å"Let me in, Steve. It’s Tommy.† Foo thought for a second he might pee a little. He hadn’t finished building the high-intensity UV laser, and Abby hadn’t worn her sun jacket. He was defenseless. â€Å"I can see why you might be mad,† said Foo, â€Å"but it was Abby’s idea. I wanted to turn you back to human, like you wanted.† Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. Tommy was going to kill him. It would be humiliating. The guy didn’t even have an undergrad degree. He was going to be murdered by an undead Anglo liberal-arts tard who quoted poetry. The buzzer went off again. Foo jumped and keyed the intercom. â€Å"I didn’t want to do it. I told her it was cruel to put you guys in there.† â€Å"I’m not mad, Steve. I need to see Jody.† â€Å"She’s not here.† â€Å"I don’t believe you. Let me in.† â€Å"I can’t, I have things to do. Scientific things that you wouldn’t understand. You have to go away.† Okay, now he was a tard. â€Å"I can come in, Steve, under the door or through the cracks around the windows, but when I go back to solid, I’ll be naked. Nobody wants that.† â€Å"You don’t know how to do that.† â€Å"I learned.† â€Å"Oh, that’s cool,† said Foo. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. Could he get the door shut and duct taped before Tommy could ooze in. The great room was already taped up to contain the rat fog. â€Å"Buzz me in, Foo. I have to see Jody and I have to feed. You still have some of those blood pouches, right?† â€Å"Nope. Sorry, we’re all out. And Jody’s not here. And we’ve installed sunlamps all over the loft, Tommy. You’d be toast.† He did have some blood bags. In fact, he still had some of the ones with the sedative in it that he’d used to knock Abby out. â€Å"Steve, please, I’m hungry and hurt and I’ve been living in a basement with a bunch of vampire cats and if I turn to mist my new outfit is going to get stolen while I’m up there snapping your neck with my junk hanging out.† Foo was trying to think of a better bluff when a dark sleeve shot by him and he heard the door lock buzz downstairs. He looked up at Jared. â€Å"What the fuck have you done?† â€Å"Hi,† Tommy said in Foo’s ear. â€Å"He sounded so sad,† Jared said. THE OLD ONES At sundown the three awoke inside a titanium vault under the main cabin and checked the monitors that were wired like a nervous system to every extremity of the black ship. â€Å"Clear,† said the male. He was tall and blond and he’d been lean in life, so he remained so, would remain so, forever. He wore a black silk kimono. The two females cranked open the hatch and climbed out into what appeared to be a walk-in refrigerator. The male closed the hatch, pushed a button concealed behind a shelf, and a stainless-steel panel slid across the hatch. They walked out of the fridge, into the empty galley. â€Å"I hate this,† said the African female. She had been Ethiopian in life, descended from royalty, with a high forehead and wide eyes that slanted like a cat’s. â€Å"It was to this face that Solomon lost his heart,† Elijah had told her, holding her face in his hands as she died. And so he called her Makeda, after the legendary Queen of Sheba. She didn’t remember her real name, for she had worn it for only eighteen years, and she had been Makeda for seven centuries. â€Å"It’s different,† said the other female, a dark-haired beauty who had been born on the island of Corsica a hundred years before Napoleon. Her name had been Isabella. Elijah had always called her Belladonna. She answered to Bella. â€Å"It’s not that different,† said Makeda, leading the way up a flight of steps to the cockpit. â€Å"It seems like we just did this. We just did this-when?† â€Å"A hundred and fifty years ago. Macao,† said the male. His name was Rolf, and he was the middle child, the peace-maker, turned by Elijah in the time of Martin Luther. â€Å"See what I mean,† said Makeda. â€Å"All we do is sail around cleaning up his messes. If he does this again I’m going to have the boy drag him out onto the deck during the day and video it while he burns. I’ll watch it every night on the big screen in the dining room and laugh. Ha!† Although the oldest, Makeda was the brat. â€Å"And what if we die with the sire?† asked Rolf. â€Å"What if you wake up in the vault on fire?† He palmed a black glass console and a panel whooshed open in the bulkhead. The cockpit, big enough to host a party for thirty, was lined in curving mahogany, stainless steel, and black glass. The stern half was open to the night sky. But for the ship’s wheel, it looked like an enormous Art Deco casket designed for space travel. â€Å"I’ve died before,† said Makeda. â€Å"It’s not that bad.† â€Å"You don’t remember,† said Bella. â€Å"Maybe not. But I don’t like this. I hate cats. Shouldn’t we have people for this?† â€Å"We had people,† said Rolf. â€Å"You ate them.† â€Å"Fine,† said Makeda. â€Å"Give me my suit.† Rolf touched the glass console again and a bulkhead opened to reveal a cabinet filled with tactical gear. Makeda pulled three black bodysuits from the cabinet and handed one each to Rolf and Bella. Then she slid out of her red silk gown and stretched, naked, her arms wide like Winged Victory, her head back, fangs pointed at the skylight. â€Å"Speaking of people,† said Bella. â€Å"Where’s the boy? I’m hungry.† â€Å"He was feeding Elijah when we awoke,† said Rolf. â€Å"He’ll be along.† Elijah was kept below in a vault similar to their own, except the prime vampire’s vault was airtight, locked from the outside, and was fitted with an airlock system so the boy could feed him. â€Å"Irie, me undead dreadies,† said the pseudo-Hawaiian as he came up the steps, barefoot and shirtless, carrying a tray of crystal balloon goblets. â€Å"Cap’n Kona bringin’ ya the jammin’ grinds, yeah?† The vampires each spoke a dozen languages but none of them had the slightest idea what the fuck Kona was talking about. When he saw Makeda stretching, the blond Rastafarian stopped and nearly dumped the goblets off the tray. â€Å"Oh, Jah’s sweet love sistah, dat smoky biscuit givin’ me da rippin’ stiffy like dis fellah need to poke squid with that silver sistah on de Rolls-Royce, don’t you know?† Makeda fell out of her â€Å"Nike† posture and looked at Rolf. â€Å"Huh?† â€Å"I think he said he would enjoy violating you like a hood ornament,† said Rolf, taking a snifter from the tray and swirling dark liquid under his nose. â€Å"Tuna?† â€Å"Just caught, bruddah,† said Kona, having trouble now balancing the tray while trying to hunch to conceal the erection tenting his baggies. Bella took her snifter from the tray and grinned as she turned to look out the windscreen at the City. The Transamerica Pyramid was lit up in front of them, Coit Tower just to the right, jutting from Telegraph Hill like a great concrete phallus. Makeda took a slinky step toward Kona, â€Å"Should I let him rub oil on me, Rolf? Do I look ashy?† â€Å"Just don’t eat him,† Rolf said. He sat in one of the captain’s chairs, loosened the belt of his black kimono, and began working the Kevlar bodysuit over his feet. â€Å"Quaint,† said Makeda. She took another step toward Kona, held her bodysuit before her, then dropped it. In an instant she had gone to mist and streamed into the suit, which filled as if a girl-shaped emergency raft had been deployed inside. She snatched the last goblet out of the air as Kona flinched and dumped the tray. â€Å"Will you oil me up later, Kona?† Makeda said, standing over the surfer now as he cowered. â€Å"Nah need, matey, you shinin’ plenny fine. But dat other ting bein’ a rascal fo’ sure.† He held his hand to his chest and ventured a glance up at her. â€Å"Please.† â€Å"It’s your turn,† said Bella with a smile, her lips rouged with tuna blood. â€Å"Oh, all right,† said Makeda. â€Å"But use a glass.† Kona reached into the pocket of his baggies and came out with a shot glass, which he held with both hands before his head like a Buddhist monk receiving alms. She pushed her thumb against one of her fangs, then let the blood drip into Kona’s shot glass. Ten drops in, she pulled her thumb away and licked it. â€Å"That’s all you get.† â€Å"Oh, mahalo, sistah. Jah’s love on ya.† He drained the blood then licked the shot glass clean, as Makeda watched and sipped her tuna blood. After a full minute, with the ersatz Hawaiian still lapping away at the glass, his breath heaving like he was hoisting the anchor by hand, she took the shot glass and held it away from him. â€Å"You’re done.† â€Å"Bug eater,† Bella said, disgusted. Now she was in her own bodysuit and had drained her goblet of blood. â€Å"Oh, I think he’s cute,† said Makeda. â€Å"I may let him oil me up yet.† She ruffled Kona’s dreadlocks. He was staring blankly into space, his mouth open, drooling. â€Å"Just don’t eat him,† Rolf said. â€Å"Stop saying that. I won’t eat him,† said Makeda. â€Å"He’s a licensed captain. We need him.† â€Å"All right. I’m not going to eat him.† Bella walked over, yanked a dreadlock from Kona’s head, and used it to tie back her own, waist-length black hair. The surfer didn’t flinch. â€Å"Bug eater,† she repeated. Rolf was back at the cabinet, snapping together various bits of weaponry. â€Å"We should go. Grab a hood, gloves to go with the sunglasses. Elijah said they had some sort of sunlight weapons.† â€Å"This is different,† said Bella, gathering all the high-tech kit from the weapons cabinet, as well as a long overcoat to cover it all. â€Å"We didn’t have all this in Macao.† â€Å"As long as you’re not bored, darling,† said Rolf. â€Å"I hate cats,† said Makeda as she pulled on her gloves. How to cite Bite Me: A Love Story Chapter 17, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Teenage Pregnancy Cause and Effect free essay sample

Cause and Effect Essay: Teenage Pregnancy Teenage Pregnancy is one of the most alarming issues in our world today. Many teenagers engage themselves in sexual intercourse with their partners just to be â€Å"in† with their friends. Surprisingly, some countries even celebrate early teenage pregnancy, as it is a clear sign of fertility. But moderately, a teenage girl being pregnant before adulthood is critically looked down upon with shame. In 2009, around 410,000 teenage girls, ages 15 to 19, gave birth in the United States, and shockingly, thats a 37 percent decrease from the teen birth rate in1991. Basically, teenage pregnancy occurs due to the following reasons: general rebelliousness, peer pressure, and lack of self-esteem. First, there is the rebelliousness of parents and of rules of adults. During the teenage stage there is a burst of sudden and unknown emotions. Teens feel a natural sense of rebelling against the set norms and rules. Coupled with a sudden sense of fresh-found liberation and sexuality, results in giving vent to their feelings through sexual experiences. We will write a custom essay sample on Teenage Pregnancy Cause and Effect or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Second, peer pressure is an early stage of pregnancies. This pressure causes sexual intimacy for the opposite sex. If a child hangs out with a group who is sexually active, then nine out of ten that child is sexually active too. Most teenagers opt to have sexual intercourse because they need to achieve the acceptance given by the â€Å"circle of friends†. The only way to be accepted is to have relationship with the opposite sex and have sexual relations. In some countries, teenagers face too much peer pressure to start having sex at a very young adolescent age. This kind of behavior may lead to unwanted teenage pregnancies. Lastly, the lack of self-esteem is an effect of teenage pregnancy.Many teenage girls feel that pregnancy is the only alternative to feeling powerless and unimportant. Being pregnant becomes the source of new status, new power and a way to prove to yourself and everyone else that you are capable of being loved and that you have someone who will love you unconditionally

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Occupational Inequality Differences In Power In the Work Setting Essay Sample free essay sample

Introduction Sexual stratification or inequality is present in every organisation. It seems that presents. gender cleavage has readily replaced racism. This proposal hence intends to look at how sexual disagreements have been practiced within the workplace. to be more specific within the technology field. Review of Related Literature Mayer steadfastly believes that gender dramas and of import function in finding and building one’s societal. political. economical and even national individualities ( 2 ) . Gender-related issues can non be readily disregarded or taken for granted. Assigned responsibilities and functions are affected by the individual’s sexual individuality. Take for illustration in work forces. most of the times they are seen as the family’s caput. Along with this societal building. male species are expected to supply the fiscal and material demands of their several households. If placed within the context of adult females. their motherly image conveys gradualness. comfort and attention. As a consequence. We will write a custom essay sample on Occupational Inequality: Differences In Power In the Work Setting Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page their value and worth are frequently enclosed within domestic kingdom. This brings us to the statement that the mode wherein persons performed their functions and responsibilities are besides affected by their gender. Mayer readily believes that society is comprised of â€Å"sexed objects. † Gender or gender hence becomes one of the most of import standards in measuring the function played by a peculiar person. By and large talking. sexual stratification is non merely observed within the house four portals. The workplace can be besides considered as a brooding topographic point wherein gender differences are normally felt and observed. However. it is of import to observe that in every bit far as sexual stratification is concerned. largely of the subject and discourses being used remainder on quandaries and issues that are confronted by adult females. Most of the times. a feminist attack or model is used in order to give a elaborate and comprehensive analysis. Although. one should non ignore the fact that work forces are besides prone to gender stereotypes and impressions. the focal points of this proposal will put more accent on how adult females are being objectified and to a certain extent—abused and manipulated. Mayer’s impression of â€Å"sexed objects† fundamentally generalizes the cardinal footing of gender and sexual inequality ( 2 ) . Yuval-Davis. Anthias and Campling maintained that when it comes to state edifice. the parts of adult females are frequently based on their anatomical and physiological incarnations. Because of their physical shaping characteristics. they are frequently seen as active value senders. In add-on to that. their responsibilities as biological manufacturers are besides highlighted. Given this state of affairs at manus. it seems that adult females in general are provided with undertakings that do non truly necessitate excessively much physical activity or something that readily needs physical strength. Although non overtly stated. businesss given to Eve’s posterities already have a predetermined standard on what a adult female can and can non make. However. these stereotyped impressions do non stop at that place. The minute a adult female enter the corporate universe or a profession wherein male laterality is extremely regarded. the sexual stratification further additions. One authoritative illustration of a profession wherein adult females are frequently undermined is the military. The term itself suggest machismo and to a certain extent—braggadocio at its best. Toktas described the military system as boosters of national involvements and nationalism. While it is true that other authorities establishments besides aim to lend to national growing and development. it is more intense in the armed forces ( 29 ) . This would non come as excessively much of a surprise since such system is carefully designed to safeguard the country’s freedom and sovereignty. Therefore. the function as defenders and guardians of society are frequently relegated to work forces. Work force are seen as warriors that can travel the conflict whenever the state of affairs calls for it ( Toktas 29 ) . This has led Toktas to reason that the sense of patriotism and nationalism are articulated based on the male position ( 29 ) . As warriors. one needs to possess emotional and most particularly. physical strength that would assist him get the better of the hardships of impending and baleful conflicts. Other than being warriors. work forces are besides seen as defenders. They should be aggressive plenty to support the state from any interloper ( Toktas 29 ) . On the other manus. adult females are instead seen as liabilities. They are liabilities since their ( physical ) capablenesss prohibit them from salvaging the lives of persons who are trapped in the war. Toktas further mentioned that the motherly properties of adult females tend to pigeonhole them as better health professionals than work forces ( 29 ) . In add-on to that. to see a adult female keeping unsafe arms and affect in the act of taking person else’s lives is rather inexcusable. The minute that a military adult female reach the spheres of her house. the heroic deeds that she rendered for the whole unit are all of a sudden forgotten and to a certain extent—taken for granted. As Peto suggested. the alleged â€Å"framework of care† frequently delimits the function played by adult females and grievers ( 5 ) . The same sentiment is besides expressed by Davis who analyzed the differences of occupational functions between work forces and adult females in the fish port ( 457 ) . Davis shared that in this peculiar sort of industry. it is frequently stated that the land belongs to adult females. whereas the sea is considered as the sanctuary of work forces ( 457 ) . In this type of concern. it is pretty evident that is the sea that becomes the centre of commercialism. This is the sphere wherein assorted natural stuffs are found. In relation to this. Davis explained that the state of affairs can non be simply described as a simple affair of division of labour ( 457 ) . Womans are seen to work best when they are on land since they are expected to execute the mundane family jobs while their hubbies spend most of their yearss fishing. If there is any possibility wherein adult females can be involved in the overall production. this are nonetheless really minimum. Most of the times. adult females are included by in less strict activities such as â€Å"fish processing ( Davis 457 ) . † Other than that. the heavier undertakings are readily assigned to work forces. In the interim. Rhode expounded that sexism in the corporate universe is expressed in elusive manners ( 613 ) . To be able to turn to this issue. Rhode shared certain scenarios and state of affairss that should be considered in keeping balance and equality between both genders ( 613 ) . One of this is to decrease. if non wholly eliminate excessively much accent on muliebrity. The issue of muliebrity frequently suggests that adult females possess certain qualities and characteristics such as being less rigorous or strong when it comes to doing determinations ( Rhode 613 ) . Rhode besides noted that competency quandary should be besides given focal point and action. Basically. this is due to the fact that adult females do non normally attain supervisory places since they are non given the opportunity to demo their leading accomplishments and potencies. The related literature presented in this treatment gave visible radiation to the existent preparation of this proposal Study Framework Conflict theory shall be used as the theoretical model of the survey. This will supply construction in footings of nearing the societal job that the research worker wants to discourse. Conflict theory analyzes the disagreements and inequality that is brought away by power dealingss and economic position. Brym and Lie mentioned that this theory has four specifying features ( 11 ) . Once and for all. struggle theories address certain issues such as category struggles—the evident manifestation of domination and subordination within specific groups ( Brym A ; Lie 11 ) . Another feature of this model is demoing how inequality is created and perpetuated within specific scenes ( Brym A ; Lie 11 ) . The 3rd characteristic has something to make on the agencies and ploies on how ascendant groups sustain. maintain and reenforce their high quality ( Brym A ; Lie 11 ) . The last but non the least is that struggle theories by and large suggest â€Å"lessening privileges† in order to accomplish balance and equality ( Brym A ; Lie 11 ) . If placed within this survey. struggle theory shall be utilized to measure how male assert their power and authorization in the work topographic point. It will analyze how the two genders go through a supremacy conflict. The said model will besides seek to look on how the patriarchal orientation of society has led to the cleavage of the two groups which are manifested through the interplay of several factors such as linguistic communication. power-relations and ideological struggles that are present in the workplace. But of class. this model will besides steer the survey towards a better apprehension sing the kineticss and operations of sexual stratification and inequality in the corporate universe. Research Methodology Design This undertaking shall be a instance survey in the inequality or sexual stratification in the workplace. However. to do the undertaking more focussed and significant. the instance survey will look on the battle of the two genders within the technology field. Basically. both work forces and adult females has already entered in this sort of profession. Both of them have proven their value and worth. But so once more. it can non be denied that gender differences still occur. The means and ways on how these inequalities are manifested shall be outlined by the instance survey. The research worker utilized the instance survey attack since the attack enables him or her to look into the intricate inside informations of the whole discourse ( Yin 2 ) . Although unfavorable judgments and incredulities likewise have risen since the attack merely focuses on a individual event. instance surveies are far more holistic in the sense that it can prolong â€Å"meaningful real-life events† like â€Å"individual rhythms. organisational and managerial procedures etc ( Yin 2 ) . This will besides forestall the research worker from being out of focal point due to unneeded misinterpretations brought by many mutualist variables. Sample The samples that shall be used in the survey are male and female applied scientists who possess a three-year on the job experience or more. Because of the length of clip that they have rendered in such profession. more or less. they are now to the full cognizant of the sexual stratification and inequality that is experienced in their chosen callings. However. it is of import to observe that sexual stratification can besides victimise work forces. This is something that is non sole to adult females entirely. In order to do this undertaking more comprehensive. the research worker sees the demand of puting more accent on an technology house or company. Sampling Purposive trying shall be employed in this analysis. Purposive trying readily targets a specific group ( â€Å"Purposive Sampling† ) . They are chosen based on their alone features. As for this instance. it is the working experience that shall find the type of participants that shall be involved in the survey. Their on the job experiences enable the samples to give a more elaborate history and understanding on how sexual stratification and inequality are observed in the workplace. Instrument Focus group treatments and participatory observation shall be the chief instruments of the survey. Compared to formal interviews. focal point group treatments allow the instance survey participants to be more unfastened and concerted when it comes to discoursing the whole issue. It is because the force per unit area felt is minimized if compared to the formalities of a structured interview. Since it is a group. more or less the participants have a common land. There is a sense of belongingness that will do these persons participate more actively and unwrap important informations and information ( Wiederman A ; Whitley 178 ) On the other manus. participatory observation shall be utilized since the research worker needs to measure how sexual inequalities and differences are practiced in the workplace. The mode wherein the two genders interact with each other shall supply meaningful penetrations on how divisions and atomizations based on gender are observed in the technology field. However. the research worker will guarantee that objectiveness will still be observed since participant observation. if non suitably used is prone to bias ( Miller A ; Brewer 223 ) . Datas Analysis The survey shall be qualitative in nature. It will clarify how struggles and battles due to gender differences are observed in the technology profession. Scope and Restriction Although there are many cases wherein gender inequality is observed in the workplace. the survey will merely concentrate on the technology field. This will readily lend on how this issue can be addressed. Plants Cited Brym. Robert and John Lie.Sociology Your Compass for A New World.United statess: Thomson Wadsworth. 2004 Davis. Dona. When Men Become â€Å"Women† : Gender Antagonism and the Changing Sexual Geography of Work in Newfoundland. †Sexual activity Functions: A Journal of Research. 29. 7-8 ( 1993 ) : 457 Mayer. Tamar.Gender Ironies of Nationalism: Arousing the State. New York: Routledge. 2000 Miller. Robert and John Brewer.The A-Z of Social Research: A Dictionary of Key Social Science Research Concepts. London: Sage Publications Peto. Andrea. â€Å"Women. War and Military in Eastern Europe†Minerva: Quarterly Report onWomans and the Military.( 1999 ) 5 â€Å"Purposive Sampling†Wadsworth. Retrieved 06 April 2008 from ttp: //www. wadsworth. com/psychology_d/templates/student_resources/workshops/res methd/sampling/sampling_29. hypertext markup language Rhode. Deborah. â€Å"The Subtle Side of Sexism. Contributors†Columbia Journal of Gender andLaw. 16. 3 ( 2007 ) : 613 Toktas. Sule. â€Å"Nationalism. Militarism and Gender Politics. †Minerva: Quarterly Report onWomans and the Military. 20. 2 ( 2002 ) 29 Wiederman. Michael and Bernard Whitley.Handbook for Conducting Research on HumanSex. Mahwah. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 2001 Yin. Robert.Case Study Research: Design and Methods.London: Sage Publications. 2003 Yuval- Davis. Nira ; Floya Anthias and Jo Campling.Woman. State. State. London: Macmillan. 1989

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Power of Winning Even When it Looks Like You’re Losing

The Power of Winning Even When it Looks Like You’re Losing Competitive nature I was a late bloomer when it came to the on-line Scrabble game Words with Friends, somehow not discovering the game until last fall. Not surprisingly, I was immediately hooked. As of this writing, I’ve played 136 games, 105 of which I won, 30 of which I lost, and 1 of which I tied (that was my 15-year-old very precocious nephew). I’m a competitive person, and have been since playing backgammon with my dad at a young age. He would never let me win. I like to play to win, and expect others to do the same. When I first started playing Words with Friends, I lost about one out of every three games. Then I discovered the Word Strength tool that tells me if I’ve found the highest possible scoring word. That kicked my level of playing (and my average word score) up a few notches. I always attempt to identify that high-scoring word, even if I don’t end up playing it. If I don’t find it, I feel defeated. Tempted to quit? I have learned something about myself as a competitor: I don’t like to quit. Not finding the highest scoring word feels like quitting. If I’m losing a game, I create a new game for myself to try to close the gap. Sometimes I succeed. I’ll tell you one thing: I have never resigned a game because my opponent played a 100+ point word, or because I was behind by 100 points, or for any other reason. I will always finish my games, and if I lose, I lose fair and square. In fact, as much as I don’t like to lose, winning all the time is almost worse. At one point I amassed a 34-game winning streak and actually complained about it. What was the point of playing if I always won? I am motivated by challenge. I will keep playing someone who beats me every time, because one day I will win and I will feel awesome about that. Not everyone is like me. I had one opponent last week who beat me two games in a row. I was celebrating having a worthy opponent and was excited to keep playing with her; then when I started to beat her by a significant margin in our third game, she abruptly resigned. Similarly, another opponent who pulled out ahead early in our game resigned when I overtook her by changing her word, AZINE, into HYDRAZINE on a triple-word score. What happened to the thrill of the fight? I shared my experience with my hairdresser and she told me about a friend who started a competition amongst her friends as to who could take the most steps in a day. When her friend felt sick the first morning of the challenge, she quit the whole thing. She was that unwilling to lose, or to work hard to come from behind. I’ve heard of people who quit while they’re ahead, which to me means building on your wins and not letting yourself go stale. I’ve recently heard this called â€Å"flipping on the up† – making a strong move when you’re at a peak to amplify your success. But quitting when you start to fall behind is, to me, a sign of someone who is not willing to feel hurt or to fight through the tough times. Setting yourself up for a comeback In sports, comebacks are the most thrilling stories. You may recall the 2004 Boston Red Sox, the first team ever to come back from a 0-3 record in the American League Championship- and to then clinch the World Series in a sweep. This was their first World Series win in 86 years. Similarly, in the resume writing world, some of the most powerful bullets are the ones that report a turnaround. Someone who pulled a company, a department or a team out of a slump is a valuable person to have around. That’s a person who doesn’t let bad news get them down. From what I can tell, the best way to stay motivated to win when you’re losing is to believe it’s possible to win- and at the same time that there’s a real possibility of losing. Convincing yourself there’s no way you’ll win will not motivate you, and thinking you’ll always win will also not motivate you. Studies show that teams who are slightly behind are actually more likely to win than the ones slightly ahead. That’s the point where the possibility of winning is real, and so is the possibility of losing. That edge is what gets the adrenaline going and pushes people into high gear. How do you respond when you start falling behind? Do you quit while you’re ahead and use your success to reach your next goal, or do you quit when you think you will lose? How does this show up in your life? Invite me So†¦ Who wants to play Words with Friends with me? Invite me at brandyesq.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Heres Exactly What to Wear on Your College Visit or Tour

Here's Exactly What to Wear on Your College Visit or Tour SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips A college tour is one of the best opportunities you have to learn about what a campus is really like. Reading promotional material, or even student blogs, isn't the same as seeing and experiencing it for yourself, but, like any other aspect of applying to college, you need to make sure you're prepared for a college visit- and that means wearing the right outfit! Most of the time, dressing for a college tour is a casual affair. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider the best way to go about it- comfort and classiness are key. This guide will walk you through the best way to dress for many different college visit scenarios. A bit of planning will help you have the best possible experience, as well as prepare you for interviews, auditions, and just exploring your dream campus. Read on to find out how! What to Wear to a College Visit One of the biggest things to keep in mind when considering what to wear to a college visit is that, in most cases, a college tour is for you to see the college, not for the college to see you. For the most part, you can dress casually. But there are special considerations if you won’t just be touring the college, so keep that in mind as you’re planning your outfit. What to Wear on a College Visit If You’re Just Walking Around Campus on Your Own If you’re not on a guided tour and are just checking out the campus, you can wear pretty much whatever you want, within reason. It might look weird if you’re strolling through campus in a suit- whether three-piece or bathing- but if you’re just there as a visitor, you’re on your own. What to Wear on a College Tour If You’re on a Guided Tour If you’re on a guided tour, it’s absolutely okay to be a little casual. You don't need to be impressive, though you should aim for comfort and self-confidence. Comfortable shoes are a must, though maybe choose something nicer than your rattiest pair of sneakers. Whatever shoes you wear should be broken in so you don't have to deal with pinching and blisters midway through the day. If your feet are hurting, you're less likely to be paying attention to the tour! Jeans are fine, as are t-shirts, but be wary of anything with a slogan or image that might be offensive. Even if a curse word or scantily clad person doesn't bother you, it's probably not the right fit for your first impression! You don’t have to dress fancy, but do put in a little bit of effort. Present your best self- the self you’d want people to see as you venture off to college. If you'll be meeting with a professor, feel free to dress your outfit up a bit. What to Wear on a College Tour If You’re Meeting With a Professor Many students take advantage of being on campus to schedule appointments with advisers or professors in their field of study. If you’ve chosen to do so, it’s a smart idea to dress it up a little bit. Dress clothes are unnecessary, but do dress a little nicer than you would for just a tour. Polished shoes are a good choice, but you still want them to be comfortable. If they’re going to pinch as you walk around campus, you may want to go more casual with a nice boat shoe, loafer, or boot. Whatever you choose, be sure that your shoes are broken in. Dark, nice jeans are appropriate for a meeting with a professor. You could also opt for corduroys or khakis- whatever is going to make you feel most comfortable and confident. A meeting with a professor is more professional than a tour, but not as professional as a college interview. Instead of a t-shirt, go for something a little classier- abutton-up shirt or blouse is always a good choice. You don’t need to reach for a blazer, but if it makes you feel good, do it! Most importantly, come prepared with questions and a good attitude. This is your chance to find out more about the school you want to attend, and that’s going to matter far more than looking like a model. Your college interview outfit should have you looking and feeling something like this. What to Wear to a College Visit If You Have an Interview Business casual is your go-to for dressing for a college interview. (coming soon -link to ‘what to wear for a college interview’) You want to look both confident and professional, so spend a little more time on choosing your shirt and pants than you might for just a guided tour or meeting with a professor. If you’re walking around campus as well as doing an interview, however, you’re going to want to be sure your shoes are going to hold up to lots of walking as well as looking sharp. Loafers may be a better choice than a dress shoe, unless you’re absolutely certain you’ve broken in the dress shoes and they’re still going to be comfortable after an hour or two. Opt for a skirt, khakis, corduroy pants, or similar, paired with a button-up shirt or blouse. Dresses are fine, provided you cover your shoulders with a sweater or blazer. Keep your skirt length to around your knees (especially if you’re walking around!), but don’t worry about pantyhose or tights if they’re not comfortable or seasonally appropriate. Choose an outfit that's right for the season and climate. Layer your clothes if you're touring in the fall or winter so you'll be presentable during your interview, but stay warm enough outside. In the spring and summer, wear light, breathablefabrics so you're not overheating outside- you don't want to show up for your interview all red-faced and sweaty. If you’re doing an interview on top of taking a tour, consider bringing a change of clothes. You want to be at your best during the interview, so changing into a fresh set of clothes might be your best option, if possible. If not, see if you can schedule your interview for before the tour- that way, you’re not already tired and disheveled from a day of wandering. If you're auditioning during your tour, you might consider tweaking your outfit as appropriate. What to Wear on a College Tour If You’re Auditioning Business casual is a good baseline, but, depending on what you’re auditioning for, you might make some additional tweaks to your clothes. For example, what would a professional musician wear? How about an actor attending an audition? What would you wear to a gallery opening (though don’t get too fancy!)?Don’t overdo it, but do base your outfit choice on what makes sense for your field. Comfortable shoes are still an absolute must, as you may be standing during your audition as well as walking around campus. Choose an outfit that suits the weather- don’t wear a sweater for a summer campus tour in California- or add layers that you can remove when you’re done auditioning so you don’t overheat. The reverse is true, as well; bring a warm coat and gloves if necessary. If walking around in your audition outfit will be too uncomfortable, consider bringing a change of clothes. Though you may have to carry a change of clothes, it’s far better to be comfortable and confident for your interview, and simply comfortable for the tour! How to Pick What to Wear on a College Tour What outfit you should wear depends in part on what you’re doing. Unless you’ll be doing an interview or audition, don’t rush out and buy a whole new wardrobe. Try on lots of combinations and try to find what makes you feel good about yourself as well as comfortable. Again, you’re going to be focused on learning more about the campus, not on impressing your guide. Put in effort, but don’t overdo it. It can’t be overstated: you’re going to be walking a lot, so wear comfortable, broken-in shoes. Bring a bag, whether it’s a nice messenger bag or a clean, classy backpack. You’re going to be given lots of information, pamphlets, and so on, and having a place to put it will make walking around much easier. A bag can also hold a water bottle, snacks, and a notebook, which you can use to write down questions and notes you might have while touring. Don’t worry too much about your outfit. You’ll be part of a group- unless you’re interviewing or auditioning, your main concern should be what you’re going to learn from the visit. Look clean and confident and you’ll have everything you need. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now: Sample Outfits For a College Tour With clothes, seeing is easier than reading. Here are a few sample outfits (including some that won't work) to give you the fashion inspiration you need to plan your college tour! You don’t have to get fancy, but look at how confident and comfortable she looks. That’s the kind of air you want to strive for, whatever that means to you in terms of clothes! These looks are great if you’re doing something a little more formal, such as an audition, interview, or meeting with a professor. Don’t feel like you have to do the whole suit and tie, but notice how each outfit looks tidy and well put-together. Pay special attention to the shoes, too- they’re all different styles, but each is great for a business casual setting. This outfit definitely suits the model’s unique style. In summer, these short sleeves and sunglasses are perfect. It’s okay to be unique, as long as it makes you comfortable. This look is extremely simple and casual, and also perfect for a college tour. A clean t-shirt, a favorite pair of pants, and tidy hair are all it takes. While great for going to the beach, this look isn’t the best for a college setting. It’s a little too attention-grabby; remember, you’re there to learn about the school, not to stand out. The combination of the shirt's low-cut sides and bright pattern are a bit much, especially with the razor blade necklace and sunglasses. The print would be acceptable on a t-shirt, by try to strive for a style that’s understated rather than loud. Don’t feel like you can’t be your quirky self on a college visit, but those shoes are a definite no with how much walking you’ll be doing. Again, don’t worry about standing out- you’re not at a college visit to make a big splash, but rather to learn more about the place you could be living in for four or more years. If this is your everyday wear, by all means, go for it, but be sure you’re feeling comfortable and confident. How to Make the Most of Your College Visit Now that your outfit is settled, you can focus on the important stuff: getting as much as you can out of your college visit. Come prepared with questions you'd like answered, including questions for current students, academic advisers, and admissions officers. You may have the opportunity to ask them, and it's better to be overprepared than underprepared! If there's anything in particular you want to see, leave a little time during your visit to check it out in case it's not part of the tour. You can always ask your guide if it's okay to visit the library, for example, or to see the gym, art museum, or football field. Though you may not be able to get into all of them, there's no harm in asking! Looking at a map and list of facilities will help you plan what you want to see ahead of time. Don't be afraid to ask for recommendations on your tour, either. Stopping by a local restaurant recommended by a student is a great way to get a sense of what student life is like. See what the area has to offer besides your future school! What's Next? Touring campus is just one part of the college application process. This complete guide to college applications will help you plan your application step by step! There are over 5,000 colleges in the United States- how can you possibly decide which ones you should apply to? Using a college finder tool can help you sort through your options and find your ideal school without having to tour every single campus. Once you've found a bunch of schools that sound good, you then have to figure out which ones to apply to. This guide will help you narrow down your list to the essentials- safeties, matches, and reach school. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Industerial operations part 2 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Industerial operations part 2 - Coursework Example Smoothness and color are important non-dimensional attributes in the ‘Paper Pro’ punch. Its body must be designed as per customers’ wants and preferences. For instance, if it is to be used in an office, it must have a corporate look that will often appeal to the consumer. The ‘Paper Pro’ punch can be customer-tailored to meet the specific needs and preferences of divergent consumers. Steel is among the world’s toughest alloys and thus used in making ‘Paper Pro’ punch. While plastic might be used in manufacturing ‘Paper Pro’ punch, the produced product might be too weak to withstand pressure that consumers are likely to exert in the process of using the object and is, therefore, incongruous. The basic process of strengthening the lever and punches part is by using harder steel in the process of making these parts. Moreover, it is also to be noted that to strengthen the steel several factors are taken into consideration. In this regard, if the heated steel cools down at a very slow rate, then the steel would be stronger. Besides, another aspect is the galvanization of the parts to reduce the corrosion of the same for greater effectiveness. In the process of galvanization, the steel is dipped into the molten zinc. This results into the formation of zinc-oxide layer in the surface of the parts. After this special zinc paint is also applied to the same to thwart oxidization. In the process of making a better hole punch tools, the steels that are received by ‘Paper Pro’ are more braced. These steels can be used to make the final parts of punches and levers. These steels are now required to be galvanized and hence, make the punches and the levers free from corrosion. The products, which are having plastic as the material for making the lever parts should be replaced by steel. The molder must mold the steel accordingly and electrify it to circumvent it from rusting. For the purpose of galvanizing the parts, an

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Time Management and Success Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Time Management and Success - Research Paper Example These include setting of goals, planning, delegation, allocation, time analysis, organizing, monitoring, prioritization, and scheduling. In the school setting, time management is extremely crucial for the school to satisfy the organizational goals and objectives. Time management is a tool that determines the project completion and the scope to which a project is done. It helps teachers in satisfying the goals and objectives of the students. When students and teachers on activities that deal with instrumental responsibilities use most of the school time, then, achievement of the student would be influenced positively. In this respect, time management is paramount for the success of any school. This paper explores a report on the impact of time management on the success of a school. Statement of the Problem. The study examined the impacts of time management on the success of a school. In many schools, teachers experience the challenge of accountability and high-stakes testing, that has a massive effect on the success and achievement of the learners. The increased responsibilities towards the profession are one great influence to the time spends on learning activity. School administrators, on the other hand, have the responsibility of policy formulation or a program administration. This means that they have an entitlement to all benefits, rights, and burdens brought about by appropriate management of time. ... School administrators should, therefore, take into consideration the impacts of time management on instructional time for them to satisfy their goals of increasing the achievement of students. Research Questions The following research questions will direct the quantitative section of the study: 1. Is there any there any influence of time management on the success of students? 2. Is there a correlation between the time management skills of the teacher’s and student achievement? The following questions will direct the qualitative section of the study: 1. What are the effects of management of time on the performance of students? 2. How does time management correlates with the performance of the students? Purpose of the Study The key purpose of the research was to give out insight regarding the link between time management skills and student achievement. Through the analysis of the skills of time management skills and the academic performance of the students, as given by studentâ €™s scores on Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS), Knowledge could be obtained on the relationship between time management skills of a teacher and the success of the student. The study was conducted to examine the relevance of time management on academic performance hence provide an appropriate solution for increasing the performance of learners in schools. Importance of the Study The success of this study is vital because it is will provide a powerful tool of increasing the performance of learners in a school. The study examines whether time management skills play a factor in the success of student. The existence of any correlation between time management and student’s success will give room for

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Cause and Effects of the Great Depression Essay Example for Free

The Cause and Effects of the Great Depression Essay Many people speculate that the stock market crash of 1929 was the main cause of The Great Depression. In fact, The Great Depression was caused by a series of factors, and the effects of the depression were felt for many years after the stock market crash of 1929. By looking at the stock market crash of 1929, bank failures, reduction of purchasing, American economic policy with Europe, and drought conditions, it becomes apparent that The Great Depression was caused by more than just the stock market crash. The effects were detrimental beyond the financial crisis experienced during this time period. The first and most obvious known factor in the development of The Great Depression is the stock market crash of 1929. The Money Alert website states that, â€Å"When the stock market crashed in 1929, it didn’t happen on a single day. Instead, the stock market continued to plummet over the course of a few days setting in motion one of the most devastating periods in the history of the United States† (The Money Alert). Many investors would buy stocks on a margin where they would purchase the stocks with borrowed money. This was a great option for buyers when the stock market was on the rise. However, when the stocks plummeted, the financial institutions that had loaned the money for the stock purchase went to collect the capital that had been loaned out and were unable to do so. This, in effect, caused banks to lose money as a result of being unable to collect on the debt, and the investors were unable to collect their losses. In addition to private investors, banks and businesses were investing in margin loans as well. So, these poor investment strategies led the banking industry to lose the majority of their assets, including money from bank customers that had no knowledge that their money was being used for this purpose. Since no government regulations were in place to protect investors and banks in this circumstance, this ultimately led to the effect of the stock market crash, which paved the way for America to go into The Great Depression. The banking industry’s reaction to the stock market crash, would be the next major cause of the Great Depression. The banking industry as a whole after the stock market crashed was going bankrupt due to not being able to carry the â€Å"bad debt† that was created from using customer money to buy stock. Because the banks were out of money, they were unable to cover customer withdrawals from their bank, causing many bank customers to lose all of their savings. With the uncertainty of the future of the banking industry, many people withdrew all of their savings, which caused more than 9,000 banks to close their doors and go out of business (Kelly). Due to the effects of the Great Depression, and the collapse of the banking industry, the government created regulations to prevent similar failure in the future. For Example, the SEC, (or Securities Exchange Commission), which regulates the sell and trade of stocks, bonds and other investments was created as a result of The Great Depression. The FDIC (or Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation), was created to insure bank accounts so that that the consumer would be protected if the bank were to go out of business (Kelly). The Great Depressions effect on the banking industry led to many useful changes to the banking industry and helped restore confidence in banks in the American people. The next major factor that contributed to the Great Depression was the reduction of goods being purchased during the time period. After the stock market crashed, consumers from all economic classes in America were uncertain of the stability of the economy, and stopped purchasing consumer goods. The effect of not purchasing goods caused many companies to begin to produce a surplus, or an excess of goods, which caused companies to reduce their unneeded workforce (Kelly). Since so many people were out of work, they too were unable to purchase goods, and soon a domino effect was created and many companies went out of business. During this time period, many people purchased goods on payment plans, similar to the modern credit system we use today, and their inability to pay caused many companies to repossess the purchased goods. This caused companies to have additional inventory of products that contributed to the lack of need to manufacture additional products (Kelly). By this time, more than 25% of the workforce was now out of work, and due to the overproduction of goods and overstock of inventory, there weren’t enough consumers to purchase these goods (Kelly). Another major contributing factor to The Great Depression was America’s economic policy with Europe. During the midst of the depression, the government decided to create the Smoot-Hawley Tariff to help protect American companies by taxing import goods from Europe. The government initially created the Smoot-Hawley Tariff to protect America by making foreign agricultural goods more expensive than domestic products so that foreign goods would cost more than local grown goods(Kelly). Due to many revisions during the initial stages of the tariff, many other American businesses were included in its protection. The effect of the tariff on trade with Europe caused unstable relations with European countries. Also, many of the European nations began to boycott goods sold by American companies in an act of retaliation for the tariff (Kelly). Having this tariff in effect during the Great Depression caused a prolonged recovery in the American economy due to the decline in Europe purchasing consumer goods from America, in addition to the decline of domestic goods purchases. The final major contributing factor in the great depression was the massive drought that took place during the 1930s. Though the drought wasn’t a direct cause to the depression, it did, however, add to the turmoil that was taking place during this time period. The drought of the 1930s had a very drastic effect on many reigns of the United States which caused both economic and ecologic problems to the country. The economic problems caused by the Great Depression were mostly concentrated in the Mississippi valley, where farmers were unable to pay the tax on the land and most were left no choice but to sell their farms for no profit. This caused a decline in agriculture goods available in America, due to the lack of farming during this time period (Kelly). The ecological effects of the drought, combined with the effects of over-farming the land, caused the Dust Bowl. The Dust Bowl was caused by over-farming the land and not correctly rotating the crops. By not rotating the crops correctly, the top soil became damaged. Because of the damages to the top soil, the land became infertile, and many people were forced to abandon their land or sell off their property. The timing of the drought, along with the effects that it had on the economy, forced the Great Depression further into turmoil and made recovery even more out of reach for the country (Bonnifield). The stock market crash did, however, act as the match that lit the fire that was The Great Depression. Along with the stock market, the cause of the depression was also contributed to the banking industry’s inability to cover losses sustained during the stock market crash. Also, the reduction of manufacturing and purchasing goods caused a toxic cycle of workers not being able to work, in turn not being able to consume goods, which further sank the country into financial hardship. With the tariffs in effect with Europe, the consumption of America’s goods by foreign nations greatly decreased, which caused the country to fall further behind in recovery of the economic turn-down. In addition to these circumstances, the timing of the drought that occurred in this time period caused many of the farmers supporting our agriculture to fold, and created one of the largest man-made natural disasters in history. Careful of these factors shows that it took more than a crisis in the stock market to cause America to go into the greatest economic slump ever experienced in the history of our country.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Baby Sitting :: essays research papers

Four-year-olds can be a nightmare or a gold mine if you know what to do. Most of us have had encounters with a few of them whether they be our brother's and sisters or our neighbors' children. Next time you have an encounter with one you might want to consider the following tips. Toddlers have LOTS of energy, they might run you around the table for hours before they tire. I can honestly say that every child has some sort of favorite character from Batman to Barbie to tellietubbies they will always have one. It might help to find in advance what their favorite TV Show is and there favorite characters so you can plan to watch a video or play with some figures of there favorite character. To help the kids to get into their nightclothes you might want to bribe them into it. Like for example you might say "I'll let you have a pop-sickle or some popcorn if you can get ready for bed." But one thing you must ALWAYS remember is to never ever ever under any circumstance give them sugar before bedtime. Now that you understand how to get them calmed down you should relax by letting them watch a Disney movie or a TV show. Kids under five should be in bed by no later than eight thirty no matter what the kids say. I think parents and any experienced baby-sitter will agree this is the most difficult task of the night. Almost all kids will fight to the death to avoid going to sleep. Some methods can vary from child to child depending on the attitude of the kids. First things first to avoid some conflict you should tell them at least an hour in advance when they will be going to bed, this gets rid of the argument "you never told me I had to go to bed at eight o clock." Next as bedtime arrives you should make sure they are ready for bed, teeth brushed, is your bed ready do you have your nightclothes on? Now for the most dreaded thing "Okay Marco and Amy its time for bed," is the way it should sound in a nice calm soothing voice.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Democracy and Jim Crow

The United States of America is proud to be known as the land of the free. Its representative democracy Is supposed to hold the consent of all American colleens and make sure the constitution and equality Is upheld; however, Its state of government has been actively partaking In actively and rulings that do not benefit the whole of America. In fact, many of the state's decisions have been working against specific racial minorities and creating a criminal justice system that almost mirrors the racist statues implemented after the Civil War, called the Jim Crow laws.This New Jim Crow unfairly targets minority races, sentences them harsher in court, and leaves them and their families to deal with the immense consequences. These consequences not only trap them in a cycle of poverty and immobility, but take away many of the rights that are supposed to be granted to every citizen of the United States. These policies are pushing the U. S. Democracy back toward pre-Call War mentalities, maki ng African-Americans' (and other minority groups') voices Irrelevant and unheard. Power and authority rest In the state.While these two words seem honeymoons, they hold two very different meanings. Power Is the ability to make someone do something they would not normally do through the use of force and authority is the justifiable right to exercise that power. Only legitimate authorities have the consent of the people, while illegitimate authorities simply hold power over the governed, regardless to how the people feel. The united States of America claims to be a democracy, a state that has consent of the governed peoples.However, is that truly the case? By questioning the idea of democracy in the United States, one must look who olds the power in this country and whether or not we can consider the state working toward the overall benefit and happiness of country at large. The state Is defined as â€Å"a human community that (successfully) claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory† (Dobra, Walden, and Bezel 2012:37).While many people would recognize the government as a legitimate authority, that can and should be allowed to use force, the government may not exactly be using their power in a way that is equally beneficial and fair to all its citizens. Power is seen as any â€Å"individual, group or structural capacity to achieve intended effects as a result of force, influences, or authority† (Dobra, Walden, and Bezel 2012:3). The government and its officials hold the power; however, are they using that power democratically, with the consent of all the citizens in the ASSAI?In a democracy everyone should be granted the opportunity to participate in decisions of the political state once you are considered an adult citizen of that state (Dobra, Walden, and Bezel 2012:47) whether it be by voting or simply having the right to participate as much or as little as you want. In the United States' democracy, It Is thought that we have the ability to vote and have equal opportunity In all political decisions. In reality, the democratic freedoms and rights that the united States Is known for can be taken away or be made unavailable all too easily.Democracies, for their country, through voting or participating in a Jury, among other things. Yet, our â€Å"democracy' has somehow managed to covertly bring race and racist practices back into government. Many different aspects of the state help to create and enforce practices that work against the core values of democracy. The criminal Justice system, including police officers, courts, and Jails/prisons, encompass institutional racism, putting some racial groups at a disadvantage, but not through overtly discriminatory mechanisms.Ingrained stereotypical images of minority groups, heavy focus on impoverished areas, and leniency on drugs and/or crimes that are more associated with white people, cause this institutional racism. While individuals work ing for the state may not have these factors in mind, the system and our society have been shaped to be more aware of and give harsher punishments to people of color Alexander, 2012). Throughout history America's government has used race as a determinate factor on one's social standing and level of capability.In the late sass's Jim Crow laws were enacted in order to establish a â€Å"separate but equal† status for African Americans. In 1868, Amendment XIV gave black men full citizenship and promised them equal protection under the law. The northern victory in the Civil War and this amendment allowed blacks to vote, run for and win elected office positions, and serve on Juries. However, 10 years later when federal troops withdrew from the South, returning it to local white rule, this equal protection slowly disintegrated. In the twenty years after the fourteenth amendment was formed, blacks would lose almost all that they had gained.The freedoms and rights they had previously thought were guaranteed were being denied to them. This denial was made legal by Jim Crow laws, a series of racist statutes. These laws were implemented in order to appease white southerners and take back the rights that were granted to former slaves. While the fourteenth amendment granted citizenship to everyone born in the United States, including blacks, and protected individual's rights of citizenship, the Jim Crow laws specifically worked to destroy that. Citizenship allows one to vote.Therefore, Jim Crow laws could not necessarily take the right to vote completely away, however they implemented restrictions on registering to vote in order to assure that blacks would not be able to have a say. Through literacy tests and other prerequisites, the amount of blacks that were eligible to vote diminished rapidly. These were originally found to be constitutional because they did not specifically attack one group of people due to heir race, ethnicity, or background. However, these laws targeted the black community by aiming at their weaknesses.Since the majority of southern blacks were former slaves, they did not have wealth, a prestigious line of ancestry, or the necessary skills or network to seek employment out of servitude. The requirements to register to vote became nearly impossible for a black man to achieve. Some states required a literacy test knowing that former slaves were banned from learning how to read and write. If the slaves did become literate, there were many other stipulations that stood in the way of them registering to vote.There was a restriction on lineage, requiring that a grandparent had to have been a voter in order for you to become a voter. This was quite impossible for the majority of blacks, for the obvious reason that their grandparents were slaves themselves or had not been born in the United States so they were not voting citizens. Jim Crow laws took advantage of any government and hopefully be reduced back down to slavery or clos e to it. Implementing poll taxes and requirements to own property targeted blacks lack of monetary funds (Alexander 2012).As former slaves, they did not have a lot of money ND they definitely did not have extra money to waste on poll taxes. Even if they were granted land to purchase and had the money, most property owners would not sell to a black man. Last but not least, the â€Å"good character† clause was enacted. This is seemingly a last resort. If a black man met all the former stipulations, the poll workers could simply give a reason as to why they question his character and deny him the ability to register. The â€Å"good character† rule is purely based on opinion.Along with restrictions on voting registration, Jim Crow laws were also enacted to include restrictions on marriage, housing, public institutions and even times of day one could be outside. These were created to ensure that blacks were segregated as much as possible from the white community, being â₠¬Å"separate but equal. † In Please vs†¦ Ferguson, the Supreme Court found this idea constitutional; however, while restrooms, schools, train cars, and even neighborhoods became separate, they were rarely ever equal.Laws were even established that segregated blacks from living in white neighborhoods through making it illegal to live on a block in which the majority of residents were people that you could not marry. Laws banning interracial marriage were established before this. This ensured that blacks and whites would not live together, forcing blacks into parts of the town that were more impoverished. To further belittle former slaves, most buildings, restrooms and drinking fountains were separated with â€Å"whites only' and â€Å"blacks only' signs, showing an unwillingness to even share water with a different race.These â€Å"separate but equal† practices were highly discriminatory and not constitutional; however, the government was oblivious to this fact or chose to ignore it for quite a while. Brown vs†¦ Board of Education was one of the first cases to point out the flaws in the â€Å"separate but equal† practices. In that hearing, the Supreme Court decided that it was unconstitutional and detrimental to minority children to have separate public schools (Alexander 2012: 36). This court case was the first to rule that â€Å"separate but equal† was unconstitutional. This began the unraveling of Jim Crow.Separate public schools for white and black children were deemed unconstitutional and a violation of the 14th amendment, leading the way towards complete integration and more victories for the civil rights movement. After the first victory in court, African-American's continued their pursuit of civil rights and liberties, leading to the establishment of more equal practices. The Civil Rights Act of 1964, outlawed many forms of discrimination against racial, ethnic and religious minorities and women. It ended the abilit y to create unequal requirements in order to register to vote.Furthermore, it desegregated the school system completely, along with the workplace and public accommodations (Alexander 2012: 39). This eliminated Jim Crow laws, but it could not change the minds of those who supported them. The Voting Rights Act (1965) and Fair Housing Act (1968) outlawed discriminatory voting practices and provided for equal housing opportunities regardless of race or national origin; two things that had been responsible for the widespread the fifteenth amendment, making sure that no requirement or prerequisite was present in order to vote or to register.This way no citizen was denied the right to vote, no matter what race or ethnic background. The Housing Act also prohibits discrimination due to race, color, religion, or national origin. One cannot refuse to sell or rent a dwelling to any person because of those particular traits. However, landlords are not required to rent to anyone that applies, the y may deny someone based off of other criteria, like the applicant's suspected ability to pay rent.While the civil rights movement desegregated American and won back the black population's rights as citizens, this victory did not last long. These Acts seemed to have given the African-American population equality; however, there were many loopholes in which inequality still thrived; the biggest one being the 13th amendment's exception on slavery, allowing it only as a form of punishment for a crime (Alexander 2012:31). The 20th century changes in voter laws gave blacks the ability to change the political landscape and thus challenge white male corporate power.Yet, in the 40 years since the Civil Rights Movement, corporations (and the politicians that serve them) have been taking that power back by systematically attempting to deny African Americans the right to vote. This is where the birth of the New Jim Crow grew from. The New Jim Crow laws are more implicit and do not include over t racial language, however they are Just as bad. While they do not include specific details that are unique to one group of people, they create practices that unfairly attack minority groups through focusing on more impoverished communities and creating unequal punishments for crimes associated more with minorities.The War on Drugs is the main contributor to these New Jim Crow laws. This â€Å"war† gave America a reason to view racial minorities as the bad guys. Through the establishment of certain laws, such as establishing a 100 to 1 sentencing disparity for the possession or trafficking of crack, compared to penalties for trafficking of powder cocaine (Alexander 2012), there is a heavier focus on minority groups and larger criticism of their drug use due to increased arrested.The minimum mandatory sentence for small amounts of drugs associated with minorities, like crack, are equivalent to large amounts of drugs that are commonly used by white people, like powder cocaine. Furthermore, minority groups that get arrested for drug charges are more likely to receive a harsher punishment than if someone white were to be arrested. With the combination of severe and unbalanced drug possession laws along with the rates of conviction in terms of race, the Judicial system has created a huge racial disparity.Due to the belief that culture is responsible for black poverty, the government abstinently erased their role in fostering this poverty, â€Å"forgotten are the failed schools, the malign welfare programs, the desolate neighborhoods, [and] the wasted years† (Alexander 2012:53). This war on drugs and the huge push for â€Å"law and order† practices in inner cities or poor, black neighborhoods have caused lastly economic effects. The state is responsible for the negative effects that the black population is dealing with today.The war on drugs was supposed to be a crack down on drug users and sellers; however, it disproportionately targeted racial minorities and the hat focused on these inner cities and racial profiled community members to be targets of â€Å"stop and frisks. † In accordance with police officers increased amounts of arrests, courts were sentencing people of racial minorities longer prison terms than their white counterparts. To fit the influx of prisoners, more state institutions needed to be built.From the streets to incarceration, the criminal Justice system and state institutions have been flawed and seemingly corrupt. These actions only hinder the groups of people targeted and lead to an endless cycle of poverty and immobility. In the drug war, police have discretion regarding who to target (which individuals), as well as where to target (which neighborhoods or communities)† (Alexander 2012:123), enforcing strict policing in impoverished urban areas in which the majority of residents are of a racial minority.These police departments are bribed with monetary incentives in order to make drug-l aw enforcement top priority and step away from violent crimes to focus on inner city drug crimes. This is the state, the federal government, using resources to create inequality and put a target on areas where racial minorities are most common. Our society has established a stereotypical image of a criminal that includes darker skin color. This way of thinking is not only detrimental to certain ethnic groups, but establishes and enhances racial profiling.Police departments not only partake in racial profiling, they are taught to do so. The training program known as â€Å"Operation Pipeline† teaches officers how to â€Å"use perceptual traffic stops and consent searches on a large scale for drug interdiction† (Alexander 2012:70). This is enforcing the idea to make bias Judgments on civilians, stopping people who fit the profile of a rug user or criminal even if they are doing nothing wrong and there is no probable cause to stop or search them. Along with racial profilin g comes another unconstitutional practice implemented by our government agencies: the stop and frisk rule.This rule allows police officers to stop anyone they wish to and question or frisk them, as long as they have â€Å"reasonable articulate suspicion† (Alexander 2012: 63). People of color in impoverished neighbors grow accustom to stopping and spreading their arms up and onto the nearest wall whenever a police officer comes into view. This shows Just how common they are targeted. No matter if they are in a car, taking the bus, or simply walking down the street, racial minorities are aware that they unequally hold police attention, based solely on their appearances.Along with the unequal amounts of police attention, people of color also get unequal sentencing and conviction ratings. While the mandatory sentence for a large amount of cocaine, associated with the white population, is five years; the mandatory minimum sentence for small amounts of crack, associated with urban poor, is also five years (Alexander 2012). These longer felony sentences are unfair and lead to huge repercussions that a small drug offense should not create. Many people question why it seems like black fathers are always out of the picture.This may be due to the fact that a large percent of the black male population is under some form of incarceration and cannot be present for his family. The higher and unequal incarceration of colored males leaves many women alone and forces them to become a single parent. While nothing is wrong with being a single parent, it stifles their consequences that being in Jail produces psychologically, prisoners face tons of active reinforcement when they are released from prison, as if being locked up was not punishment enough.Since a majority of impoverished black men are targeted for searches and questioning, a large number of convicts come from poor areas. When they are released with no money, no Job, and no way of getting end meats; they are forc ed to straight back to the neighborhood that caused their problems and will most likely get involved in some form of illegal activity to earn a few bucks. Ex-convicts resort to illegal activities because the black mark on their record hinders them of getting any respectable Job. Being a felon is seen extremely negatively.Along with Job discrimination, felons lose their right to vote, their ability to receive welfare or student loans, and live in subsidized housing. Revoking all of these things leaves many felons, homeless, Jobless and on the road back to imprisonment. Our government does not have the consent of all it governs because a large portion of â€Å"the land of the free† is behind bars and without a voice. Racial minorities are unfairly targeted, imprisoned and revoked of their rights. This is pushing America backwards, toward slavery, a time when only white males had to right to an opinion.