Thursday, October 31, 2019

International Organisational Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International Organisational Behaviour - Essay Example Sony has its operations in many countries spread across six continents of the world. It was in 1973 when this Japanese giant entered the Singaporean market and since then it has become one of the leading players of the consumer electronics market. Sony Singapore (Sony, 2011) functions include with its activities of â€Å"engineering, information technology, manufacturing, sales and marketing, treasury services, logistics and others†. Sony Singapore (Sony, 2011) employs from than 1900 employees in the country. This paper is an attempt to explore, investigate, and examine various aspects related to the organisational behaviour of Sony Singapore. Systematic study of Organisational Behaviour Systematic study of organisational behaviour refers to the scientific approach used by organisational behaviour to combine various fields of â€Å"human psychology, organisational development, management, organisational theory, human resource management, and sociology† (Champoux, pp. 29 -44, 2010). The systematic study of organisational behaviour refers to the fact that the â€Å"overall purposes of the field are understanding/explanation, prediction, and control† (Knights & Willmott, 79-81, 2006). Furthermore, the definitions provided by the field are operational and precise and the measures are reliable and valid. Psychology is the first and foremost behavioral field, which contributes to the field of organisational behaviour. It seeks to explain the behaviour of people, measure, explain, predict, and control these behaviours. Without any doubts, Sony continuously tries to find way to alter and tame the behaviours and attitudes of its employees in such a way that the organisational productivity (Champoux, pp. 421-428, 2010). Sociology is another behavioral discipline, which has a close link with Organisational behaviour. People do not live and operate in vacuum, in fact, their behaviours are continuously influenced by social factors. The organisation of So ny itself is a social institution and norms, social roles, values, and customs have constant affect on its employees and managers. Shaping Behaviours of Sales Executives Successful organisations and managers are the ones who know how to align their human resources with the organisational objectives. In other words, it is the task of the organisation and its managers to motivate and push its employees towards achieving the goals and objectives assigned to them. Following are the four possible ways in which a sales manager at Sony can shape the behaviour of it sales executives. First, in the light of the operant conditioning theory, behaviours can be shaped by presenting a reward every time the subject engages in the desirable behaviour. For example, if a sales executive is putting in extra effort to take training sessions then acknowledging his effort in front of the whole staff and applauding him could be a reward, which would reinforce that behaviour (Knights & Willmott, 79-81, 200 6). Second, other than positive reinforcement of behaviours which has been mentioned above, negative reinforcement is also an option. Like positive reinforcement, it refers to the practice of taking something undesirable in order to reward and reinforce any behaviour. For example, if a sales executive achieves the target of his monthly sales even before the last week; negative reinforc

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